Born February 6, 2019

When we purchased Sumrin Tatum O'Neill back, we swap-leased Tatum for Plasderw Ottavia with Ute Franke as my sister needed a replacement for Waardhoeve's Tirion to keep Sumrin Tulip Festival company.

Sharonahoeve Tanita is the last foal sired by Sumrin Tysilio. She is big, just like her grandmother and mother and shows a great likeness in type to Sumrin Tulip Festival.

Tamita is born bay sabino, but will turn grey.




Sharonahoeve Tamita Sumrin Tysilio Vechtzichts Hywel Springbourne Claret Penual Mark
Springbourne Carys
Vechtzichts Hylight Vechtzichts Lightfeet
Springbourne Hyflyn
Sumrin Taru Dyfed Geraint Revel Centre
Dyfed Gwen
Dyrin Tina Dyrin Martini
Dyrin Grey Dawn
Sumrin Tatum O'Neill Kai Midas Aelvengrey Merlynne Twyford Nimrod
Llanerch Minuet
Sadiqui Little Gift Three-B Barrog
Highland Little Jem
Sumrin Tulip Festival Springbourne Huckleberry Springbourne Caraway
Springbourne Hurrah
Sumrin Taru Dyfed Geraint
Dyrin Tina


Sumrin Tatum O'Neill

Sire: Sumrin Tysilio

Dam: Sumrin Tatum O'Neill