Vechtzicht's Hywel

Breeder: W. Dobber, Breukelen

Owner:H. & Y. Zoet, Wezep

Vechtzicht's Hywel should need no introduction. He has been Royal Welsh Male champion and left many approved sons and winning daughters. In 2006, We took Sumrin Taru to him and got Sumrin Tysilio.


Vechtzichts Hywel Springbourne Claret Penual Mark Revel Jeeves Bengad Parrotia
Revel Jewel
Penual Margo Twyford Sprig
Gurnos Maid
Springbourne Carys Revel Carreg Revel Chip
Revel Cayenne
Belvoir Columbine Coed Coch Asa
Clan Crocus
Vechtzichts Hylight Vechtzichts Lighfeet Twyford Pepper Rowfant Possum
Twyford Peri
Astrid Bywiog Lord Ted
Maesgwyn Cinders
Springbourne Hyflyn Springbourne Caregan Revel Carreg
Belvoir Columbine
Springbourne Hyfwyn Treharne Tomboy
Springbourne Hyfryd